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Beautiful worlds!
from more than 3596 reviews
I just received my tango shoes. I can’t thank you enough for your wonderful customer service. I love Regina shoes, the most comfortable tango shoes that I’ve ever bought!
- D. -
New tango shoes! These are the most comfortable, stable and best fitting shoes i have owned so far. Now i just have to find room on my shoe rack for them- Lisa
These shoes are made for dancing and the dress will make you fly!.- B.
My lovely and sexy tango shoes!!! Thank you my love for this amazing gift... they are amazing! Crazy for it!.- T.
New tango shoes for me!.- C.
E' arrivata solo oggi, grazie di cuore, che sorpresa bellissima!- Dani.
Grazie mille to the entire Regina team! My shoes have just arrived and they are amazing, just the way i imagined them!!! 😍😍😍 And they fit like a glow! Truly truly thank you, i couldn't be more happy!- A.Z.
i've never seen someone so excited about getting a package. Response to my happy chair dance. Thanks to all the ladies at Regina! You just made my Friday even more awesome! -
Piccole FAN 😍 -
Shoes came 😍😍😍 WOWWW incredible as always they are 😍 Thank you for your kind responses -
Eva la prossima collezione di scarpe chiamala "farfalla" 😛 perché con le tue scarpe si vola! 😍 -
I am so incredibly happy with my Buenos Aires, you wouldn’t believe it!!! They are the best shoes of all my shoes, and I have dozens of different brands. I dance for hours and go home with NO PAIN AT ALL!!! From the first day of my tango career twelve years ago I suffered from severe footache no later than after the third or fourth tanda, and now I cannot even tell that I have danced a whole night - it’s like a miracle for me.